Checking non-PHP files

Psalm supports the ability to check various PHPish files by extending the FileChecker class. For example, if you have a template where the variables are set elsewhere, Psalm can scrape those variables and check the template with those variables pre-populated.

An example TemplateChecker is provided here.

Using psalm.xml

To ensure your custom FileChecker is used, you must update the Psalm fileExtensions config in psalm.xml:

    <extension name=".php" />
    <extension name=".phpt" checker="path/to/TemplateChecker.php" />

Using custom plugin

Plugins can register their own custom scanner and analyzer implementations for particular file extensions.

namespace Psalm\Example;

use Psalm\Plugin\PluginEntryPointInterface;
use Psalm\Plugin\PluginFileExtensionsInterface;
use Psalm\Plugin\FileExtensionsInterface;
use Psalm\Plugin\RegistrationInterface;

class CustomPlugin implements PluginEntryPointInterface, PluginFileExtensionsInterface
    public function __invoke(RegistrationInterface $registration, ?\SimpleXMLElement $config = null): void
        // ... regular plugin processes, stub registration, hook registration

    public function processFileExtensions(FileExtensionsInterface $fileExtensions, ?SimpleXMLElement $config = null): void
        $fileExtensions->addFileTypeScanner('phpt', TemplateScanner::class);
        $fileExtensions->addFileTypeAnalyzer('phpt', TemplateAnalyzer::class);