
Emitted when an attempt is made to instantiate a class using new static without a constructor that's final:


 * @template T
 * @psalm-consistent-constructor
class Container {
     * @var T
    public $t;

     * @param T $t
    public function __construct($t) {
        $this->t = $t;

     * @template U
     * @param U $u
     * @return static<U>
    public function getInstance($u) : static
        return new static($u);

What’s wrong here?

The problem comes when extending the class:


 * @template T
 * @psalm-consistent-constructor
class Container {
     * @var T
    public $t;

     * @param T $t
    public function __construct($t) {
        $this->t = $t;

     * @template U
     * @param U $u
     * @return static<U>
    public function getInstance($u) : static
        return new static($u);

 * @extends Container<string>
class StringContainer extends Container {}

$c = StringContainer::getInstance(new stdClass());
// creates StringContainer<stdClass>, clearly invalid

How to fix

Either use new self instead of new static:


 * @template T
 * @psalm-consistent-constructor
class Container {
     * @var T
    public $t;

     * @param T $t
    public function __construct($t) {
        $this->t = $t;

     * @template U
     * @param U $u
     * @return self<U>
    public function getInstance($u) : self
        return new self($u);

Or you can add a @psalm-consistent-templates annotation which ensures that any child class has the same generic params:


 * @template T
 * @psalm-consistent-constructor
 * @psalm-consistent-templates
class Container {
     * @var T
    public $t;

     * @param T $t
    public function __construct($t) {
        $this->t = $t;

     * @template U
     * @param U $u
     * @return static<U>
    public function getInstance($u) : static
        return new static($u);

 * @template T
 * @psalm-extends Container<T>
class LazyLoadingContainer extends Container {}