
Emitted when a constant type in a child is less specific than the type in the parent.


class Foo
    /** @var int<1,max> */
    public const CONSTANT = 3;

    public static function bar(): array
        return str_split("foobar", static::CONSTANT);

class Bar extends Foo
    /** @var int */
    public const CONSTANT = -1;

Bar::bar(); // Error: str_split argument 2 must be greater than 0

This issue will always show up when overriding a constant that doesn't have a docblock type. Psalm will infer the most specific type for the constant that it can, you have to add a type annotation to tell it what type constraint you wish to be applied. Otherwise Psalm has no way of telling if you mean for the constant to be a literal 1, int<1, max>, int, numeric, etc.