Adding a new issue type

To add a new issue type there are a number of required steps, listed below.

Generating a new shortcode

Run bin/max_used_shortcode.php and note the value it printed ($max_shortcode)

Create issue class

Create a class in Psalm\Issue namespace like this:


namespace Psalm\Issue;

final class MyNewIssue extends CodeIssue 
    public const ERROR_LEVEL = 2;
    public const SHORTCODE = 123;

For SHORTCODE value use $max_shortcode + 1. To choose appropriate error level see Error levels.

There a number of abstract classes you can extend:

  • CodeIssue - non-specific, default issue. It's a base class for all issues.
  • ClassIssue - issue related to a specific class (also interface, trait, enum). These issues can be suppressed for specific classes in psalm.xml by using referencedClass attribute
  • PropertyIssue - issue related to a specific property. Can be targeted by using referencedProperty in psalm.xml
  • FunctionIssue - issue related to a specific function. Can be suppressed with referencedFunction attribute.
  • ArgumentIssue - issue related to a specific argument. Can be targeted with referencedFunction attribute.
  • MethodIssue - issue related to a specific method. Can be targeted with referencedMethod attribute.
  • ClassConstantIssue - issue related to a specific class constant. Can be targeted with referencedConstant.
  • VariableIssue - issue for a specific variable. Targeted with referencedVariable

Add a config.xsd entry

All issue types needs to be listed in config.xsd, which is used to validate psalm.xml. Choose appropriate type attribute. E.g. for issues extending PropertyIssue use type="PropertyIssueHandlerType".

Add a doc page for your new issue

Every issue needs to be documented. Create a markdown file in docs/running_psalm/issues folder. Make sure to include a snippet of code illustrating your issue. Important: snippets must use fenced php code block and must include opening PHP tag (<?php). The snippet must actually produce the issue you're documenting. It's checked by our test suite.

Add links to the doc page you created to docs/running_psalm/ and docs/running_psalm/

Run documentation tests

$ vendor/bin/phpunit tests/DocumentationTest.php

It will check whether you did all (or at least most) of the steps above.

Use your new issue type in Psalm core

IssueBuffer::maybeAdd(new MyNewIssue(...))